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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

13 years ago
5 posts

This is Great my hair feels sooo clean! honestly better then any shampoo.

mine are just babies so i was kind of scared to wash them but after a few days i just couldnt take it anymore Thanks :)

updated by @kayla: 07/03/15 07:55:28AM
13 years ago
4 posts

Hey Folks!

I've been usin the BS wash and vinegar rinse for a while now,

an just wanted to say thanks to SE for sharing this detailed information with us.

so much bullshit info out there, even on non-product-promo dread sites.

great stuff, keep the niceness coming!

im gonna go wash my 'tennies right now :)

"..wash 'weh all a de badmind-ting dem.."

have a great day/week/month/year/life.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

ofcourse it will cold is just to add a lil exxtra effectiveness to dandruff or oiliness treatment it helps a lil but isnt really nesacary

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

well acv is good to use all the time just weaker and shorter rinse imediately instead of sosking 3 min

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

try 3 tablespoons in 3 cups the acv use lil less

or same ammount


My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
João Gonçalves
12 years ago
4 posts

Ok. so i have a problem. My shower doesnt have enough presure to rince well, so i have little white stuff in my head and dreads after waching. Is there any solution or i should just have my house pipes changed or go to a waterfall?:P

12 years ago
336 posts

you can fill up a pitcher with water to rinse, that'd give you more pressure. I do that often. Good luck!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

hand held massage shower head its not the pipes its the shower head put it on massage setting and hold it close and it blasts away..

but pressure..or volume fill a bucket and dumbp it a couple gallons will do

or themassage head which works wonders

Joo Gonalves said:

Ok. so i have a problem. My shower doesnt have enough presure to rince well, so i have little white stuff in my head and dreads after waching. Is there any solution or i should just have my house pipes changed or go to a waterfall?:P

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
João Gonçalves
12 years ago
4 posts

Me again :P sorry but it is worse this time. My scalp is falling apart as it never did and it's crazy itchy:s here is my recipe:

  • 3L water =0.7925 gallons =12.68 cups
  • 100g baking soda =3.527 ounces = 4 or 5 tbs
  • 20 drops rosemary essencial oil
  • 20 drops lavander essencial oil
  • 10 drops teatree essencial oil
  • 5 drops peppermint essencial oil
  • 1 tbs seasalt

What am i doing wrong????? :s i've passed the last week scratching a lot and after todays wach it's simply falling apart like it never did.

P.S.: sorry for the units convertion

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

sea salt will dry the scalp out and iritate it so try not adding the sea salt

are u doing acv after?

if the bs isnt working for u some do have a topical alergy but can eat it but their skin reacts to it badly so if its really not working rtry switching to the liquid at

it will be alot gentler

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