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super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

Blair Joseph Ripperger
13 years ago
23 posts

i heard that apple cider vinegar actually detangles ur hair is that true???

updated by @blair-joseph-ripperger: 07/03/15 07:12:39AM
Blair Joseph Ripperger
13 years ago
23 posts

Umm, i heard that u shouldnt use apple cider vinegar on baby dreads. is that true?

Blair Joseph Ripperger
13 years ago
23 posts

in our house we have white cookingwine, it is a beer so its residue free but i havent tried it yet.

Kristen said:

Haha how strange, I was just wondering if I could substitute white vinegar for acv. Is the cocoa butter necessary for this or will the white vinegar and oils work ok? I only ask as I have no money to purchase the extra ingredients with, and really want to do the rinse asap.

Also, the only oil I have is lavender, but I was wondering, if I made a super strength tea out of my dried herbs, and then drained it and added to the water,would that be cool?I vaguely remember rinsing my dreads with a herb tea that i'd made and leave to steep until it cooled. Felt lovely pouring it over my head, and smelt pretty nice too.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

wine and vinager arent the same

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

no u should but not as much or as klong if u dont your going to be too alkalkine and start to itch like crazy

Blair Joseph Ripperger said:

Umm, i heard that u shouldnt use apple cider vinegar on baby dreads. is that true?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
9 posts

hi Soaring Eagle(: i have a couple of questions! can i use this every time i was my hair? do you use a whole gallon when you wash or just make the mixture in a container the size of a gallon? can you reuse the mixture if you make enough of it for the next time you wash your hair?(keep it in a bottle for next time?) does baking soda work okay in hard water? sorry! so many questions! ive only had my dreads for a week so im trying to figure out what i should use to wash my hair :P

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

i do use a gallon (2 actualy/0) but i have dreads past my toes make what u use that time it biodegrades qiockly so kmake it then use it

u canj use it everytime

it works fine in hard water but alkaline water like england has it can be tri9cky to get it right

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
9 posts

ok thank you! my dreads are just at my shoulders so i dont think ill be using a full gallon or two. haha :P

soaring eagle said:

i do use a gallon (2 actualy/0) but i have dreads past my toes make what u use that time it biodegrades qiockly so kmake it then use it

u canj use it everytime

it works fine in hard water but alkaline water like england has it can be tri9cky to get it right

Blair Joseph Ripperger
13 years ago
23 posts

so just keep the suff in my hair for bout 2 minutes instead of 4? it does wonders though.

soaring eagle said:

no u should but not as much or as klong if u dont your going to be too alkalkine and start to itch like crazy

Blair Joseph Ripperger said:

Umm, i heard that u shouldnt use apple cider vinegar on baby dreads. is that true?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

u cabn rinse right away soak 3 min when mature

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