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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

João Gonçalves
12 years ago
4 posts

I'm not doing acv after. should i? my dreads are a week hold.
Is my mixture about right?
I can't afford the liquid shampo :s

soaring eagle said:

sea salt will dry the scalp out and iritate it so try not adding the sea salt

are u doing acv after?

if the bs isnt working for u some do have a topical alergy but can eat it but their skin reacts to it badly so if its really not working rtry switching to the liquid at

it will be alot gentler

updated by @joo-gonalves: 07/03/15 07:55:28AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

yea at least a weak 1 and rinse imediately if u dont u get too alkaline dry and itchy

Joo Gonalves said:

I'm not doing acv after. should i? my dreads are a week hold.
Is my mixture about right?
I can't afford the liquid shampo :s

soaring eagle said:

sea salt will dry the scalp out and iritate it so try not adding the sea salt

are u doing acv after?

if the bs isnt working for u some do have a topical alergy but can eat it but their skin reacts to it badly so if its really not working rtry switching to the liquid at

it will be alot gentler

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

i highly recomend this site not a hippie ship that has scented not essential oils

Justin coon said:

hey i was wondering where i could buy the oils from im having a hard time finding them around here since the hippie shop in the next town over closed

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
2 posts

Thank you so much for this :)

Eli Jones
12 years ago
16 posts

ok when i do the BS wash i don't use nearly a gallon. should i be using a gallon jug? i mix two spoon fulls BS with 2-3 drops tea tree or lavender oil then fill the cup mix..etc...etc is this not enough? or is the gallon just like a bottle with your shampoo in it?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

i got hair to 1 foot past my toes so use more then a gallon if your hairs short a cups plenty just enough to soak em

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Mowriyah Ysrayl
12 years ago
26 posts

you add the coco butter to the ACV rinse? so you like mix it all together? and pour over your dreads? will shea butter work as well?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

thats optional and kinda goopy thick shae i think would be even thicker alow=e or jojhoba is a better option but if u can get shae to be thin enough to mix well then yea it will work

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Mowriyah Ysrayl
12 years ago
26 posts

i think if I heat it up and add it to the ACV rinse it may work. I only use 2 cups of ACV rinse and BS rinse I may bump it up to 4 cups cuz my dreads are thick

soaring eagle said:

thats optional and kinda goopy thick shae i think would be even thicker alow=e or jojhoba is a better option but if u can get shae to be thin enough to mix well then yea it will work

updated by @mowriyah-ysrayl: 07/03/15 08:04:55AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

might build up so ..jut be careful

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