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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

Christopher Lott
13 years ago
8 posts

I itch at the 4 day mark of not washing my hair. So Im on a set schedule atm. Washing Thursdays and Sundays. I'll have to find tea tree after seeing what that does lol.

updated by @christopher-lott: 07/03/15 06:30:49AM
13 years ago
50 posts

I was able to find tea trea oil mixed with lavender oil online at Amazon for a decent price. Or you could check your local nutrition or health food store.

Christopher Lott said:

I itch at the 4 day mark of not washing my hair. So Im on a set schedule atm. Washing Thursdays and Sundays. I'll have to find tea tree after seeing what that does lol.

13 years ago
7 posts

Haha how strange, I was just wondering if I could substitute white vinegar for acv. Is the cocoa butter necessary for this or will the white vinegar and oils work ok? I only ask as I have no money to purchase the extra ingredients with, and really want to do the rinse asap.

Also, the only oil I have is lavender, but I was wondering, if I made a super strength tea out of my dried herbs, and then drained it and added to the water,would that be cool?I vaguely remember rinsing my dreads with a herb tea that i'd made and leave to steep until it cooled. Felt lovely pouring it over my head, and smelt pretty nice too.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

no in facrt i recomend leaving the cocia butter out

white vinagers fine teas are fuine

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
8 posts

hey se. in your recipe you said you use arm and hammer baking soda, but its not powder. did you buy it like that or did you use actual powder and just mix it with water?

13 years ago
7 posts

Helloo :) so today I noticed than even after the vinegar rinse, my head still itched. I scratched my head and saw under my fingernails what looked like baking soda and gunk. What would cause the baking soda and gunk mix to not come off? I followed the recipe and instructions except I used about half of the tea tree oil and lavendar and none of the rosemary (I still need to buy it)...I don't know though if I'm skipping something or if I should use more oil.


Cindy Bage
13 years ago
6 posts

Baking soda and baking powder are two different items, baking soda is usually in a bright yellow pasteboard box for the Arm & Hammer brand, baking powders usually come in a tin can. So what he meant was making sure you buy the baking soda and not the baking powder.

Sickness said:

hey se. in your recipe you said you use arm and hammer baking soda, but its not powder. did you buy it like that or did you use actual powder and just mix it with water?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

yes exactly

baking sodas is a poweder but so is baking powder but you want the baking soda powder not the baking powder powder

if it says powder its the wrong thing

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Blair Joseph Ripperger
13 years ago
23 posts

i hearda person in youtube named eyeheartchrist uses a shampoo called apple pectin.

renee sulli
13 years ago
2 posts

it seems like since i've been using the baking soda wash my head has gotten flakier (dandruff). i dont remember it being like this when i first got my locks...i was thinking that mayb the baking soda is drying out my scalp so i shud put oil on it after i wash...i hope to see improvement...

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