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super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

Christopher Lott
13 years ago
8 posts

Just did my first BS ACV wash. Holy ****. Dont know if its the wash or the fact that I haven't washed my hair in a month but it felt AMAZING!!! I have to do this more often.

PS Can I sleep without a cap?

updated by @christopher-lott: 07/23/15 06:35:37PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

ofcourse u can and why havent u washed in a month//

wash twice a week at least'

sleep withoit a hat ofcourse

wash wash wash

keep yoiur dreads clean

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Christopher Lott
13 years ago
8 posts

I hadn't washed because initially I had payed 60$ to have my hair twisted. So I was quite paranoid. Was told to go back in a month but really wasn't told if I was able to wash my hair or not. However was told to use an astringent when my scalp itched. I said the heck with that once I obtained information about the Bs AVC wash. My scalp felt like it was on fire and was extremely flaky so I washed it. :) No words really to describe how my scalp feels right now. Hair is holding up well too. Has not started unraveling.

Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

an all natural herbal store. i got lucky, thought to myself i needed to find one, hopped on the bus, was looking, then just decided to get off at one stop, walked for a minute, then bam i found what i needed lol.

i also found oils at apsycicshop.

@SE i noticed i didnt get "essential oil", all are 100% pure though. lavander and teatree are Natures Alchemy, and rosemary is Aura Cacia. i saw that they said "essential oil" on them lol, then the other day i saw the actual brand name "essential oil". is the only difference price, or do you get what you pay for with these oils?

Lauren Parlette
13 years ago
1 posts

hi!! i just got locs 2 weeks ago and finally washed it today using your suggested method of 2/3 baking soda, 20 drops of tea tree, lavender, rosemary, and thyme oils,2 tablespoons of salt, and some water. poured it on, let it soak for about 10 minutes, and rinsed it. then i poured on a capful of apple cider vinegar with the same oils.... and my scalp still itches and still has all the residue :( what did i do wrong? i just started and tried to wait as long as possible to wash because everyone told me that would help, but now it just looks like i have flakes everywhere, it still itches, and i still have stuff under my nails everytime i ithc :( please help!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

2/3 cup in how much water maybe wash again if u waited a li=ong tu=inme to wash your scalp maybe a total disaster so needs an extra long soak or extra strong whoever told you to wait to wash screwed u dreads need to be washed often to dread abnd be healthy

umm did you add ri=osemary and pepermint? thymes more for oiliness ri=osemary and pepermint will help the itchies

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
4 posts

I'm having the exact same issue as Lauren. Although I wash my dreads every 3 days or so. Its my third time working with this whole baking soda wash thing. First it was itchy and white stuff under nail thing. Second time however, after I dump the baking soda mix over my head, I caught up on some reading and let all that baking soda work its magic for a full 30 minutes. Then followed up with some ACV rinse, just 3 caps full not cups..just caps as well as rosemary, lavender and teatree and it was GLORIOUS. A day of victory for my young dreads I would say. This time I didn't have a lot of patience so I didn't wait too long before rinsing it out and from what I read you're not suppose to do acv rinse more than once a I didn't acv. So here we are.. flaky, potentially itchy head. Damn. This feel like a science experiment.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

whererd u read not to do acv more thenm weekly i do it every time

just eaerly on u want it weak like u did very dilutred but u should do acv every time u do bs unless youir very oily by nature

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

it is a science experiment. the one acv rinse i have done did the trick as far as removing the flakes. but oh well, if i got flaky head for no so be it. i got enough hair to cover it up on the inside for now lol hopefully i can figure it out before its really separated.

Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

thats why my hair was all shiny, from the acv. i am oily by nature, greasy aye tai

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