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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

super clean dreads (safe for baby locks too)

Kate Marie
13 years ago
2 posts

okie dokie ^A^ Thank you!

updated by @kate-marie: 07/23/15 07:48:04AM
Juraj Petrik
13 years ago
2 posts

hey, here's the thing

my locks were made before around 40 days by twist&rip method and i crochethooked them once in two days for the first month. then i found this site and just let them be.

i tried your wash 2 times. once only bake soda 2nd time with lemon juice for the pH. each time i made around 4 litres of water with around 60g of baking soda. when i poured it on my dreads they've stayed dry. also when im in a shower and make sure to get them all really wet they dry in about 30 minutes. but everywhere i read that dreadlocks dry like 5 hours.

also i got shampoo stuck in them near the roots and i cannot get it out i tried both soda and also just washing with plain water..

many thanks for your advice :)

yeah and i attached a photo of my locks

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

theyre very thin so will dry fast till they thicken up a good bit

vinagers a better option then lemon juice which bleaches the hair and can damage color treatted ghair

try a clarifying or anti residue shampoo to remove residue

nutragena and suave make 1

how long ago wass last crochet besides the thinness and lil extra fuzziness they dont look bad not too stiff or amything

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Juraj Petrik
13 years ago
2 posts

thank you, i will try to find the necessary stuff. the last crochet was 10 days ago..

and i wanted very thin dreadlocks :)

13 years ago
12 posts

How often should I be doing the baking soda / acv wash? I just started the natural dread process a bit less than a month ago and used Dr. Bronners a few times to ween myself off of showering every day, and switched to doing baking soda every 2-3 days... I've done it once or twice following up with the ACV wash, but usually do it as just baking soda + essential oils, leave in, and rinse well... I feel like my hair and scalp are starting to dry, however. Should I be washing more regularly with Dr. Bronners and occasionally doing a baking soda/ACV wash "as needed" or is it an okay method to do pretty regularly?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

u can do it everytime but if u are too dry use the acbv u can use the acv every time just use it weak

if u want u can do bronners every time then this monthly its up to u but its fine to usde every time too

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Hans Criteanu
13 years ago
32 posts

Many months ago, I was advised via this forum not to bother using ACV until I couldn't stand the itchiness anymore. Well, I've been neglecting and using BS/Tea Tree/Lavender/Rosemary/Peppermint Oils since May 2010, and I still haven't got to that point that I couldn't stand it. What do you make of this? Should I start using ACV anyways?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

if u dont do the acv your hair will be too alkaline it is best to do it even if very weak

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Hans Criteanu
13 years ago
32 posts

SE, you turd, those are your words I was paraphrasing:

soaring eagle said:

do as u feelo is right, if your scalp gets dry and itchy try a cold cold rinse and if that dont work add the acv rinse
if thats not an issue skip it and it will knort faster
i use a stronfer baking soda mix then most so the acv is more important if u use a weaker solution u can skip it

So I should start using ACV, as opposed to just my usual cold rinse? (This isn't entirely bad news, because the cold rise is pretty much a bitch in PA between November and April - so cold!)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

i skipped the acv last wash cause wasnt feeling too good and didnt want to bother

kinda regrert skipping it now cause scalps actin up already

whatever works for u do but just keep in mind its healthiest when the scalp and hair have a ph between 5 an d 5.5

after u do bs without acv its around 9 i think

Matt Critean said:

SE, you turd, those are your words I was paraphrasing:

soaring eagle said:

do as u feelo is right, if your scalp gets dry and itchy try a cold cold rinse and if that dont work add the acv rinse
if thats not an issue skip it and it will knort faster
i use a stronfer baking soda mix then most so the acv is more important if u use a weaker solution u can skip it

So I should start using ACV, as opposed to just my usual cold rinse? (This isn't entirely bad news, because the cold rise is pretty much a bitch in PA between November and April - so cold!)

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