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Forum Activity for @christina-popejoy

christina popejoy
07/11/12 08:06:34AM
91 posts

To Bang Or Not To Bang... That is the Question.

General Questions

Wow I see from your pics your hair is super long! Your dreads are looking flipping awesome by the way and they're less than a month right!! Wowwee :)

I know what you mean about not knowing what to do with it. I mean with my bangs they stop just at my chin length. So there is a definite difference from the rest of my hair length? Maybe that might be a suggestion so if nothing to rad to start with then you can always go shorter if you like?. I like the softness having a little bit of loose hair at the front gives.

christina popejoy
07/10/12 07:07:44PM
91 posts

To Bang Or Not To Bang... That is the Question.

General Questions

Anyone here with curly hairs! I chose to leave my well grown out bangs from dreading up to start. But as time has gone on I'm getting a bit stuck! As no 1 they wanna dread and 2 i can't combe my hair or it will be a massive frizz and then i'd have to straighten it, well too labor intensive i think. Has anyone here had any experience with curly bangs or any ideas, i mean as it stands just now I'm willing to just let it do its thing. I have quite small facial features so was worried i might look swamped with a full dread head! Not that thats a bad thing haha.

christina popejoy
06/21/12 11:30:57AM
91 posts


Dreading Methods

Hi melissa! I think they're looking pretty nice! You can see them starting to loop and zig zag which is great! Mine are almost at three months and no where near your knottiness! :D I hear that palm rolling doesn't really do anything much at all. in fact rolling could undo some of the baby knots that are forming i guess.

christina popejoy
06/15/12 03:24:43PM
91 posts

Oh hi there

Introduce Yourself

Hey Nixxi!

Thanks for introducing yourself! :D NY Wow I've never met anyone from there before. I've just heard its just massive over there. Well tons bigger than tiny than the small city of Bath in England where I live.

Glad your enjoying your journey so far with your beautiful loopieness!


christina popejoy
06/02/12 01:32:40PM
91 posts

6 months of backcombed dreads

Member Journals and Timelines

These are AMazinging Beautiful! Wowee! so you become and separate what do you use to wash them?

christina popejoy
05/28/12 08:18:36AM
91 posts

please help...damage from backcombing

Help! Save My Dreads

Hi kezz same as everyone else really. I backcombe my hairs 2 months ago amd to be honest after a couple of weekes and washes it all pretty much fell out and loosend and now im just leaving it. I figure although it is damaging as long as we just leave them and dont recombe when they loosen and just leave them and wash them then it will be all cool. I find the BS and ACV wash make them feel real snuggly amd fluffy now. Dont worry :)
christina popejoy
05/05/12 11:29:52AM
91 posts

1 month tomorrow!

Member Journals and Timelines

hey guys,

Missed all the stories the past few days as ive been sunning it up in Lanzarote!!

Back in rainy old England now :(

So my dreads will be a month old tomorrow, and im very glad ive stuck with them so far.

It really is crazy how much they change each day. I dont know why im really writting this but I dont know anyone else that has dreads. Mine are looking good one one side of my head (The side I sleep on!) But on the other side they are not locking up as well. I've been using the seanik bar from Lush to wash and nothing else in my hair at all apart from some new beads.

The back ones have pretty much fallen out. And i dont really know what to do as i've put beads on some. They sections look pretty thin like about 1cm thick. I dont know weather to leave them or congo some together.They cover my head a lot better thin, i think.

I think I might try washing my hair a bit more as I only do a bout 1-twice a week at the moment. maybe that will help?

Thankyou guys for all your stories and discussions.

Its all great inspiration!

updated by @christina-popejoy: 01/13/15 09:25:25PM
christina popejoy
06/26/12 05:02:01PM
91 posts

Baking Soda and Sea Salt ratios

Dread Maintenance

oops haha! Its just the stupid water here means its never done that before! OOOooo How Exciting! All washed now feels great. I finally found a big tub of BS now so I can wash moreoftenwith it. How long are newbies supposed to wash with the BS/ ACV i've been dreading for 3mnths now. Thanks for your reply heather :)

christina popejoy
06/26/12 04:22:40PM
91 posts

Baking Soda and Sea Salt ratios

Dread Maintenance

hey guys! So im about to do another BS wash! Cant wait but I have to as to get over the hard water here. I've boiled it to mix the bs in now I gotta wait for the solution to cool down alot. It really works using boiling water to mix. Is this is bad idea tho? As the BS fizzes loads when i do it??

christina popejoy
05/10/12 10:03:05AM
91 posts

Baking Soda and Sea Salt ratios

Dread Maintenance

Ha ha don't know what happened to my follow up post so heres another one!

Followed the recipe down to a tea!

It felt all nice a tingly to start with. And clean but on closer inspection the soapy resudie dandruff is still on my scalp and base of dread, so much so they look a lil white near the roots. Feels soapy still?? is this the effect of using the Lush bar for a over a month and will take a few BS/ ACV washes to break it down??


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