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How to stop thinning

14 years ago
2 posts
my hair is thinning and I'm wondering is there anyway to stop it I jus recently bought thickining shampoo & conditioner for it. I also just started greasing my scalp so my roots don't get any thinner. I just need help before it gets any worse.
updated by @mike4: 01/13/15 08:47:31PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
pk 3e;llu went 8 months without washing your hairu use twist gell so im guessing u weere twisting for 8 months/stop twisting wash yoiur hair all the timelet me guess u trusted a loctician/ huge mistake the loctician is why the hairs thinningu never want to twist them once tey hold a sectionu never want to go months without washinglocticians know nothing about lockingthere is nothing technical about being natural so the term loctician is an oxymoronstop everything tey told u to do and u should be finenoew there are herbs that can help..rosemary horse tail few othersbut just stop twisting (and god hope u never interlocked too) and u will be fine

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
39 posts
Why are you greasing your scalp and with what?That activity will also thin your roots out too :(Please give more info...
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
yea everything your doing is causing it stop everything leave your hair alone c09mpletely only wash it nothing else

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
145 posts
Grease will start thinning, and most thickening shampoos just have collagen in them to make each hair shaft seem thicker but will not cause more hair to grow.
Dabbing ACV directly on the scalp in thinning parts has been noted to work for females with thinning hair, dab it on with a cotton ball. Aloe vera directly on scalp helps also, because of the salicylic acid in it as well as the vitamins (some home remedies are crushed up aspirin spread on thin areas like a paste, it is because it promotes blood flow, but aspirin is just salicylic acid and is safer to use from aloe vera because you get vitamin B and moisturizers with aloe vera also. Use the plant not something store bought). Most people who lose their hair, even males suffering from pattern baldness, are usually losing their hair due to bad circulation and clogged suffocating follicles which die. It's normally more common in males to have excess testosterone in the oils on their scalp (the naturally produced sebum) and that also kills hair follicles. Once they're dead they cannot be revived.

Make sure you get plenty of LOW FAT protein. Any fats you eat should be monounsaturated if at all possible. Ingesting hempseed oil also helps, it is a total protein and has monounsaturated fat. I eat food grade hemp seeds myself, they're kind of like nuts. Too much protein can be bad too if you aren't getting enough vegetables and vitamins. Vitamin B is important. Don't smoke and exercize more often. This will help with circulation. Massage your head, it may need some stimulation. Remember to eat enough but not too much, being overweight causes baldness, being underweight causes baldness. Check your testosterone levels, testosterone is what normally causes male pattern baldness and may need to be balanced.

The thing is hair thinning can be caused by many things, the issue is finding out what. If it's genetic you can try to stop it but there may be no way around it.
DON'T use hair thickening products, they only coat the hair (and therefore your scalp) with collagens and only make it LOOK thicker, but they can cause more trouble than they fix because if your hair is thinning due to the follicles dying then you definitely do NOT want to go that route, it can clog the follicles more and make the problem worse.

I had a balding friend who was a male with extremely curly hair. He used the natural route (exercize, diet, aloe vera and ACV on the scalp, massages, not wearing hats as often and quit smoking) and his hair thickened back up and was as good as new. It seemed like magic!
My father started to go bald when I was a teenager (receding hairline) as he was stressed from my mom divorcing him and he was always a tight hat wearer. He stopped wearing hats as often and used a product called NIOXIN. It worked, but his hair is very fine, though it's all back. Before it was thick, now it's back but it's very very fine. He only used NIOXIN till it came back and then stopped, and it didn't fall out after stopping like rogain hair does.
I personally started getting very thin hair a few years ago (my hair was curly and thick growing up but became fine and straight as a teen and as a young adult seemed to be thinning). I started taking prenatal vitamins and eating hempseeds and not using hair products on my hair (I did the baking soda/ACV wash for a few years before deciding to dread, I just had to use conditioner afterward on the lower part of my hair to detangle because my hair tangles very very easily). I also saw a doctor about it and they ran hormone tests and (I am a female) I had a bit more testosterone than I should have (I was overweight-- still am but I'm working on it-- being fat causes testosterone increase in females and estrogen increase in males). I am exercizing more and taking vitamins and everything else I mentioned that helps, and my hair is getting thicker and the best part is it's getting stronger. Very strong, it's hard to rip congos between my dreads unless my hair is wet, it used to be that my hair would rip just from blowing in the wind. So it's definitely helped, and for me the hempseeds (you can buy them to eat at any healthfood store or online) was the last change I made that seemed to kickstart everything else, everything else helped but that full vegetarian protein with monounsaturated fat from hemp seeds seemed to really get things going. Hemp seeds for food consumption do not have THC in them (they have been cooked in a way that removes it). I personally do not smoke marijuana and the hemp seeds are just like nuts, and they wont cause you to show up positive on a drug test for THC because it's been removed. I know it seems like a silly concern but it used to be that hempseed oil caused positive THC result in a drug test.

Sorry such a long story, I've just had thinning hair and tried a lot, so I know what works and what doesn't for me.

PS I also tried NIOXIN for my own thinning hair, but I stopped because it was expensive, it didn't seem to help me, and one of the ingredients is nicotine (helps circulation) and I was a little weirded out about putting nicotine on my head.
Panterra Caraway
14 years ago
667 posts
Don't use grease of any sort on your scalp...especially if you are already thinning. If you have been twisting for 8 mos. I would agree that this is where your thinning may be coming from. What kind of hair texture do you have? Depending on the condition of your hair I would not put ACV or Aspirin on the scalp. If you are thinning due to the twisting alone and not because of genetics you will cause further damage with something dabbed directly onto the scalp. We need some more details if you could....I have done hair for over 30 years and I know I could better advise you with alittle more info...thanks!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
wow u guys are awesome

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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