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How long did it take your hair to lock up using freeform?

6 years ago
62 posts

I know growing dreadlocks requires patience, (and I’m kind of impatient so it’s a true test for me, haha) but I’m just curious. How long did it take you?

I started when my hair was about 3-4 inches long, about 1.5 months ago however my hair is very, very thick and has a mixture of waves and and tight curls (and ginger, which a lot of people think is funny when someone ginger has dreadlocks...but who cares? LOL). 

My hair began to knot up after just the first week, but those knots haven’t stuck yet and keep changing. The waves at the top of my head are still wavy and not knotting up much yet, but the curls at the back and my fringe look to be forming some sort of curly locks that, if I stretch them out, do look like locks, if you can picture that LOL. I’ll try and take some pictures but it’s kind of hard taking a photo of the back of your head.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

Choose love over hate.

World peace is possible, give peace a chance.

updated by @aquaguy: 11/13/18 03:16:51PM
6 years ago
414 posts
1.5 months isn't very long at all. I went 4-5 months without any locking up but my hair was pretty thin and straight. If yours is thick and naturally curly/wavy it will be a lot quicker..

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
62 posts

See what I mean with the curls and waves? When the curls are stretched out they look like mini locks but when curled up it just looks like untamed, curly hair LOL.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

Choose love over hate.

World peace is possible, give peace a chance.
6 years ago
62 posts

Cool, how long have you had your dreadlocks for now?.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

Choose love over hate.

World peace is possible, give peace a chance.

updated by @aquaguy: 06/23/18 07:26:39AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

back 2 weeks

the rest was yours that took a couple months longer to get long enough to dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

back 2 weeks

the rest was yours that took a couple months longer to get long enough to dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Bazooka Guru
6 years ago
204 posts
I don't have much experience to share from, as I'm only 2 months deep and I didn't freeform. But I can tell you that at 2 months, if I had to comb my hair out it would take days. I definitely have some knotting going on! You're hair is already looking good, and patience will result in some awesome locks for you.😊
6 years ago
414 posts

Hey Bazooka I did almost half my head of TnR last night. Hopefully finish it off tonight.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
Bazooka Guru
6 years ago
204 posts
@femalepheromones this news should come with pics!👀
6 years ago
414 posts
Can't be bothered with half way pics. When I've got them all done you'll get your pics fix. Hopefully tomorrow but maybe the day after.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
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